Clear and simple pricing

Billed monthly
Billed annually
30 day money back guarantee
30 day money back guarantee

All accounts come with a 30 day money-back guarantee and free technical support

Frequently asked questions

Do I have to manually pay each month/quarter/year?
No, the subscription renews automatically, you don't have to do anything.

How easy is it to cancel?
Very easy, it takes a few seconds. When you are signed in, click 'my account' from any page, then click 'cancel subscription' and confirm. You will continue to have unlimited access until the end of your current subscription period.

I just need a one-off calc, is it suitable for me?
Yes, just take out a monthly subscription and cancel as soon as you've finished.

What if I no longer need it, but I forget to cancel it before it renews?
We have a 30 day money back guarantee, so just let us know and we'll refund you for the renewal. We don't want you to pay for something you don't use.

Can I upgrade to a joint account or downgrade from a joint account later?
Yes, you can upgrade and downgrade any time

Do I have to create an account for both sites if I take out a Joint Steel and Timber subscription?
No, you use the same account (email address and password, or Google sign in) for both sites. Subscribe on either site and then simply sign in with the same account on the other site.